Code300-32 - MIL 188-110 39 Tone |
A PSK system implemented per
MIL-STD-188-110A, 39-tone modem appendix B. The system supports data
rates of 75 to 2400bps using 39 tones spread from 675Hz to 2812.5Hz with
a spacing of 56.25Hz. 1 doppler tone can be found at 393.75Hz. Block
interleaving with up to 12s delay is supported. A 39-tone modem sounds
like noise, so as you tune across this signal an S meter will rise and
fall. It soundsvery much like tuning a noisy frequency. IF-bandwidth of the receiver must be at least 3 KHz wide to enable undistorted decoding. A MIL188-110 39tone signal together
with an ALE signal and Oscilloscope and FFT running. (FFT showing the
typical ALE signal) |